Anker's Box is Perfect for LattePanda + 7" screen ミニパソコンにピッタリの箱見つけた

What's in this box? Hint: a photo above this one.

Yes of course it is a LattePanda, a functional Windows 10 / Arduino computer with a touch screen!
LattePanda、Windows 10 / Arduinoコンピューターだ。

My Anker PowerCore 20100 came with this box, but my LattePanda ('s screen) fits perfectly in it. The Anker's battery (that black thick bar in the photo) of course can power the panda.
Anker PowerCore 20100の入ってた箱なんだけど、LattePanda(の液晶)が完全にフィット。もちろんAnkerのバッテリー(写真に写ってる黒く分厚いバー)でパンダを動かせる。

But I haven't done anything to help ease oerheating of the panda. It gets very hot on the side which is faced down in the photo and I have no nothing (no heatsink, no fan etc.) added.

Before finding the Anker's box, I was using this random picture frame box.

Anker's box has this lid-thing that can cover half of the box, and so when the box is closed, the panda won't scratch the display.


The photograph on the top of this page shows my current LattePanda casing. The silver thing on the left of the box on the photo is, RAVPower's 6700mAh battery, which outputs 5V 2.4A, and can power LattePanda, and most importantly, it fits inside of the Anker box!
トップの写真は現在の私のLattePandaの仕様。箱内左側にある銀色のやつはRAVPowerの6700mAhバッテリー。5V 2.4Aでパンダを動かせる。そしてもっとも重要なのは、これもAnkerの箱の中に入っちゃうということ!

