Smart Cushion Darma Quick Review / スマートクッションDarmaクイックレビュー


Darma, it smells like a new car('s artificial leather seat). It came with a USB-microUSB cable, a quickstart guide paper, a thin nonwoven fabric made Darma bag with handgrips.

Some sensors an a vibrator are inside of this Darma cusion, and by connecting your smartphone with Bluetooth 4.0, Android/iOS app can show your posture in real time. You can also see how stressful you are, your heart rate, and breathing in real time. I tried stopping my breath and find the real time breathing data was actually showing that I wasn't breathing.

Android app's download link couldn't be found from my phone, but the app is out there, so here is the link

Charges via Darma's microUSB port. It takes 10 hours to fully charge, and the battery lasts around 15 days. If you leave the cushion, it'll turn into low power mode, and if you don't use the cushion for 3 days, it will automatically turn off. Your weight have to be within 40kg - 118kg (90lbs - 260 lbs)




姿勢をリアルタイムでチェックし、もっとどういう姿勢をすればいい姿勢になるのかを知らせてくれるほか、XX分間座っていたら通知、XX分間悪い姿勢でいたら通知、の機能がある。「デイリーレポート」では「Good sitting time / good posture」がその日のうちどれだけを占めるのかをパーセンテージで示してくれる。

Androidアプリはなぜか僕のスマホからは見つからなかったのだが、既に存在するのでここにリンクを張っておく。Darma Android app


