Attack on France Causes SNS Hypocrisy フランスでのテロが招いたSNSでの偽善

the struggle is real.

Posted by ‎SICK- 病気の - مريض‎ on Saturday, November 14, 2015

In this picture, Homer Simpson is not representing my attitude toward recent terrorism attacks in France. But rather showing what I see when I open Facebook.

Did they apply the French flag filter on their profile picture, if the number of death was small, for example, only one person have killed by the terrorism? Yes? A TGV train got derailed and 10 people have died in France as well. It was an accident. Would they consider changing your profile pic because of this accident? Because the number of deaths isn't the important thing but the fact that someone have died?

Oh no it's not like that, it's because those people have killed by terrorism attacks. Ok then have they ever considered changing their profile because people have killed in Syria or Iraq? They only pray for, care for, show sorrow for people who lives in a "developed" country? Or is it because they have been in France? Or they have friends in France? Do they know that there were many terrorism attacks in oh so many different countries this year, and I am pretty sure they have a friend or at least an acquaintance from some of those countries (,_2015 ). And yet I have never seen them changing profile picture for those other countries?

They just want to show their SNS (social network service) friends that they care for what's popular in their SNSes, don't they? If this is not hypocrisy, what is?



それとも、そういうことではなくて、テロ攻撃により死者が出たからということだろうか?だったら、シリアやイラクでテロ攻撃により死亡した人のために彼らは画像を変えたか?それともあなたはただ「先進国」の人の命を尊み、そのためには祈り、悲しみを見せるのだろうか?それとも彼らはフランスに行ったことがあるとか、友達がフランスに居るからそうするのか。だが今年だけでも世界中のいろいろな国々でテロ攻撃により人が死亡しており (,_2015 )、彼らの友だちにそれらの国々出身の人が居ないとも限らないが、そもそもそれらの国々のことを気にかけていただろうか?私は彼らが他の国の国旗のフィルターをプロファイル画像にかけたのを見た覚えはないが。


